Hair loss: Most common types and Lifestyle Changes to Prevent it

Hair loss: Most common types and Lifestyle Changes to Prevent it

October 7, 2020 Off By mindmingles

Hair fall can be a traumatic experience for both men and women. Every single strand you lose makes your heart skip a beat, as you fear becoming bald and ugly. While you don’t have to worry if you are losing around a hundred hair strands a day, the real problem starts when your hair fall goes beyond this range. Here are the most common types of hair loss.

Androgenetic Alopecia: Common balding that occurs in both men and women. This type of hair loss is because of the effect of testosterone metabolites in hair follicles.

Alopecia areata: It is a type of hair loss due to the autoimmune destruction of hair follicles in localized skin areas.

In some cases, chemotherapy, thyroid disease, protein deficiency, anemia, secondary syphilis, and low vitamin levels can lead to temporary or permanent hair loss.

Luckily, you can reduce your hair fall to a significant extent by implementing simple lifestyle changes to prevent hair loss.

Use a Laser Hair Cap

A laser cap for hair loss is an FDA-cleared medical device clinically proven to be a safe and effective hair growth treatment method. These caps are designed for men and women who are suffering from hair loss. The devices are completely hands-free and portable, allowing you to complete treatment wherever and whenever is convenient for you. You can expect this treatment to be pain-free and non-invasive, making it one of the most popular hair growth treatments on the market today.

Switch to a Good Shampoo

You don’t have to pick the best shampoo in the market. You have to choose the right one for your hair type. For that, you first have to determine your hair and scalp type. Since there are hundreds of shampoo products to choose from, choose one from a reputed brand, go for a shampoo with a good balance of natural and chemical ingredients. Since dry and brittle hair is prone to breakage and damage, make sure you don’t choose shampoos featuring sulfate, paraben, and silicone.

Avoid over-shampooing your hair. If you have an oily scalp, wash your hair thrice a week to remove excess oil and dirt. Choose a good-quality conditioner to use after shampooing for locking the moisture in and keeping your hair bouncier.

Eat a Balanced Diet

One of the most important tips for preventing hair loss is consuming a healthy diet. If you don’t take care of your diet, no tip will work for you, no matter how hard you try to prevent hair loss. Eating a healthy diet with vitamins and minerals can reduce hair fall. Furthermore, exercise can help blood circulate in your body to make your hair healthier and stronger.

Avoid Chemical Treatments

While it’s ok to treat your hair once a while, avoid exposing your hair to harsh chemicals that make them vulnerable and weak. Perming, dyeing, and coloring can affect the natural quality of your hair.

On top of that, using a blow dryer on damaged hair can increase hair fall. If you must use a hairdryer, keep the heat on the lowest point.

Regular Oiling

This ancient remedy never fails to reduce hair loss. That’s because oiling improves blood circulation and promotes hair growth. While Coconut oil is best for all hair types, go for Argan oil if you have frizzy and dry hair. There are several choices to oil your hair, such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil.

Remember to massage your oil at least twice or thrice a week for promoting good hair growth.

Don’t Skip the Trim.

Who doesn’t want to get rid of split ends? Trimming your hair frequently can help your scalp breathe properly and prevents split-ends. You will also find it easier to wash or oil your hair, and you can maintain long and luscious hair.

Avoid Stress

Stress is one of the main causes of premature hair loss. Not only stress disrupts hair growth, but it also makes them weaker from the scalp. Meditation, yoga, and fitness workouts can speed up the production of ‘feel-good’ hormones to help you achieve amazing skin and healthy hair.

Quit Smoking

If you have trouble quitting smoking, do it for your hair. Scientists discovered an interesting link between smoking and hair loss. The chemicals in cigarette smoke are potent enough to damage your skin and hair. However, on a molecular level, the harmful compounds in cigarettes can damage your hair follicles’ DNA.

Reducing your tobacco consumption will improve your hair growth and prevent premature aging of the scalp.

Wear a Hat

Most of us don’t know that overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause irreversible damage to our hair. People who have thin hair often use sunscreen to protect the scalp from sunburn. Another easy way to protect your hair and scalp is to add a hat to your dress. Since hats come in various styles and designs, you can easily find something that suits your style and look.

Wearing a hat helps because overexposure to the sun’s UV radiation can damage our hair, making it lose proteins. If you are someone who spends most of his time outdoors, wearing a cap or a hat can protect your hair’s natural color and slow down hair fall.

Take Biotin Supplements

Most of us know Biotin as Vitamin B or ‘B Complex.’ Over the past few years, Biotin has become one of the most popular supplements for increasing hair growth and hair loss prevention. The amazing DHT-blocking properties in Biotin improve hair growth. Using Biotin supplements regularly can improve the appearance of your hair, skin, and nails and is widely popular for treating male pattern baldness.

Use Good-Quality Hair Loss Products

Although natural remedies such as oiling your hair and eating a balanced diet can reduce hair fall, sticking to a daily hair care regime is also important. Don’t choose cheap products or products from unknown brands to make sure you don’t expose your hair to harmful chemicals.

Final Thoughts

While nobody is fully aware of the complex biology behind hair loss, the factors we listed are some of the most common reasons behind premature baldness or hair loss. Now you know how you prevent or reduce hair loss with a few easy lifestyle changes. Many of these tips require living a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your health.