Are Notebook Computers better than Student’s Textbook?

Are Notebook Computers better than Student’s Textbook?

April 30, 2021 Off By mindmingles

Every year a lot of young students got back problems due to their heavy-weighted school bags. And to make schools textbooks or notebooks, thousands of trees are cut down. And students continue to have this back pain problem. We can now see a revolution in the technology industry that are developed a light, compact laptops for students only of about two pounds. We should think about whether we should replace these heavy textbooks with lightweight mini computers.

Which is the better way of learning for students?

The biggest question that is in mind of most educators is how much technology will provide enough for every classroom. And the debate continues for a long time on the textbook or computers. And which technology would be enough is still under discussion, and no exact conclusion is found yet. Smartboards, tablets, and other technologies continue to become the best learning tool for school students.

Are computers for students- a suitable and best learning tool?

Without any doubt, we can say that the powerful tools are computers because they are used today almost for everything that we can do through them. We used computers a lot now to communicate with our family and friends. These help things in our lives or finds and learns new information from them.

But the question that is faced today by most parents and children is that are computers the best learning tool for their children or not?, I think so computer is best option for learning owing to the fact that everyone knows that pandemic situation in all over the world and the lot of school along with universities are being conducted the classes through online so those they have computer, they are taking the class conveniently as compare to who has no desktop.

Advantages and disadvantages of computer learning for students

Computer learning has some advantages and disadvantages also. These are divided into:

  • Good -computer learning
  • Not good -computer learning
  • Good- computer learning

Computer learning for students is good due to the following advantages.

Provide access to the new and latest information

The lessons that we planned on computers are updated with time. It means that ant information that comes added into this lesson as soon as. It is the best advantage of computer learning because students can update the most accurate information for every subject they are studying.

Students can get training for their future.

Computer learning provides an opportunity to all students, and they can learn through how they can use computers in their leisure time or their future. Across all companies and industries, the computer user is the basic and necessary thing. So students also use computer subject as professionally and make their future in it. And if students get access to computers at their early age, they will set the best future for them.

Get connected with the online keyword service

Yes, online sources available to help students in their learning. Suppose you have a computer with an internet connection. In that case, it will be very easy to get instant help from the experts of nursing assignment writing service UK, which are 24 hours available to make learning easier for students.

  • Not good- computer learning

There are also some disadvantages of computer learning for students. These are:


In computer learning, except for class works, students also spent outside their classrooms much time on computers. It may become overexposing students because it is difficult for students to select a time on computers for their study and playing. And students then spent on other sites or social media except for their plan lessons. There are also distractions point on computer learning, and it will negatively impact students’ performance.

Lack of structure

The students how focusing on their planned lesson and schoolwork. The teachers also want to know that thing. Computers provide to students free reign. And this keeps students away from the planned lessons of teachers and also provides them sometimes wrong information. The students who missed classes fail to meet this objective of learning or even learn inappropriate material.

High cost

The basic disadvantage is that computers are expensive and not all students can get them because most families can’t afford them. But the student experience doesn’t base on that which students can afford or which cannot. So if computers replace textbooks, then the students cant achieve the best future that can’t afford computers.

Are textbook for computers- a true or tried approach to learning

In students’ learning process, the textbook played a vital role for many years in this education sector. All students used textbooks to explore, learn or discover information and this source is quite successful. And if we talk about the advantages of textbooks in the students learning, then textbooks have the following impacts on students.

Benefits and drawbacks of textbook learning

  • Textbook learning- Drawbacks

Textbook learning included the following drawbacks.

Outdated information

Textbooks have outdated information until the next edition not comes into the market. So this information may frustrate the most students and also provide usual information wrong. But if great teachers present here, they can expand and accurate this wrong information.

Reading skills

Through textbook learning, it is difficult for students to maintain their reading skills. Because they only one source of information. But best educators and teachers have the ability they can guide to students to improve their reading skills. The skills that we cant get from a computer.

  • Textbook learning- benefits

There are the following benefits of textbook learning. These are:

Strategic learning

Textbooks are present professionally in the form of the document. And the content that used in the textbooks is checked by some best academic educators or professionals. And then put this content in a better way and set this information. The next chapter is based on previous knowledge, and it depends on what students can learn from the previous chapter and what will be next for them. So with one textbook, they can learn all the necessary information required for their academic course.

Tactile benefits

Textbooks we can keep with ourselves, and it goes hand to hand with all students. And we are also making written notes. All those students who are using these handwritten notes then the important lessons they can remember in a better way. And this tactile sense that students achieve from taking notes and reading books play a vital role in learning for all students.

Motivation and progress

When students can make progress in their schoolwork, they get motivation from it. Through textbook learning, students can easily see a way of learning their lesson. And this also motivated them to continue their learning.

  • Computers VS Textbooks

The essential part of students‘ learning process is providing them a chance to connect ideas that present in front of them. A physical approach to learning provides textbooks to the students. And help to process information more easily.  And the progress students can see in front of them and can see what they are exactly learning.

But computers are playing an important role in the learning process of students only in the classrooms. Computers might be very helpful as a supplement with textbooks. But in the academic journey, textbooks should be a focal point for all students learning process.

However, no doubt computers are the best source at that time of the world. But textbooks not be replaced by these notebooks computers. The computers students can use a helper with their textbooks.